Everything you need for the last mile


  • Secure communication

    Rickshaw uses Stripe's recommended webhooks approach to securely recieve event into our platform.

  • Verified messaging

    Stripe's encrypted payloads allows us to verifiy that every message originated from Stripe and not an attacker.

  • Queues

    Each message is queued into Rickshaw to ensure we can keep trying to deliver the message if there are outbound failures.


  • Metadata

    Rickshaw makes available additional metadata e.g customer's name that you might need to communicate with your customer.

  • Functions

    Built in functions allow you to transform data like dates and currencies into human readable content. We aim to automate as much as we can so you don't have to.

  • Address Book

    An internal address book allows you to maintain a list of delivery endpoints for internal notifications.


  • Gateways

    Rickshaw is deeply integrated into gateways like Sendgrid and Twilio via their APIs, you simply bring your API key and we do the rest.

  • Fault tolerant

    Our infrasrtructure is designed to handle failures, in such event that a gateway is inaccessible Rickshaw will keep a hold of the message and deliver it when the service next comes online.

  • Seamless

    We are completely whitelabeled, your customers will never realise that we carried their message on your behhalf.


  • Dashboards

    Our detailed dashboards provide visual overviews of how your message deliveries are fairing. Inspect each event to get detailed information on the payloads.

  • History

    Each messaging transaction is logged so you can historically query the data for support and analytical purposes.

  • API

    APIs are at the heart of everything we do. Rickshaw has a fully documented REST API with dedicated command line clients coming your way soon.

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